Church Council
Church Council
Kurt Meyers, President & Finance Chair
Danielle Lau – VP & Social Ministries Chair
Beth Matzke, Financial & Council Secretary
Patty Lebow, Treasurer
Deacon Allison, Faith Engagement Chair
Tammy Jordan, Worship & Music Chair
Brenda Johnson, Fellowship Chair
Kaitlyn Stebner, Youth Representative
Tammy Epprecht, Stewardship Chair
Council, Visioning
Mark Rehrer, Property Chair
Julie Boyer, Christian Education Chair
Jim Butler, Technology Chair
Gavin Straface, Young Adults Chair
Chairpersons not on Council
Jack Perry, Mutual Ministry
Our Church Council
Our Council meets once a month, to hear from each Committee Chairperson, discuss the current needs of the church and look to the future of our congregation, through visioning and financial planning. We are blessed to have a wonderful group of dedicated people serving and working together on our Council.