

If one of our congregation members has a prayer request or need at any time, please feel free to email the church office at with your information and request or call the church office at 610-948-3684 and leave a message.  Someone will usually return your call with in 24 hours.
Prayer Corner
We have a special place for prayer & meditation at Grace.  Located on the downstairs level near the church parlor, by the PRAYER CORNER sign. We have a prayer chapel available for everyone’s use.  There are prayer books & written prayers available for your use and there’s music & lighting to sit quietly in meditation with God in prayer.  The prayer chapel will be open on Sunday mornings & can be accessed during church office hours, by stopping into the office for a key.  Books may be borrowed if you return them in a timely manner for others to use.   
Prayer Boxes
Grace has prayer boxes both in the narthex and outside the front doors! Please complete the prayer request slip, place it in the box and our Caring Crafters  will pray for you. Prayer requests can be anonymous or you can include your name. Everything with and through our prayer ministries remains confidential. Always know we are here for you!
Dear Community,
Let us pray for you!
Caring Crafters
The Caring Crafters love to pray for our congregation, our loved ones, our community. Come join us!
Caring Crafters meet Wednesdays,
9:30-11:30AM in the All Purpose Room. Join us weekly as we continue with prayer shawls or scarves, monthly cards, small gift projects for shut-ins and weekly prayer for individuals & our congregation. We often continue our social interaction by traveling to lunch. Everyone is welcome to join us. No experience needed. Call Sue Perry for info.
Prayer Chain
Prayer lists name our concerns & thanksgivings and are a way to stay connected to God and to the needs of others.
   Monthly Prayer Lists are available at church, in the office & via email.  Please take some time with this list to enhance your daily devotions & prayer life; also use it to help you prepare your heart for worship with prayer.  Contact the church office at 610-948-3684, with your prayer concerns for the Prayer List.
Deacon Allison’s Daily Prayer Devotions are back!  Check them out at, to start your day, get a boost in the middle of the day or end your day on a positive, prayer note.
Current Prayer Needs
Please remember in your prayers:
To the family & friends of Maryann Herbsleb, (sister of Becky Leonard), as they mourn her unexpected passing.
Claire Nelson – recovery from broken leg & surgery;
Veronica Buckwalter (Julie Boyer’s mom) – health issues;
Cindy Clark (friend of Tammy Jordan) – end stage cancer;
Reid Clark (brother of Rhonda Stanek) – recovery from heart surgery;
Rena Cassel (mother of Karen Lapinski);
Joyce Straub;
Richard Harshaw’s sister, Diane;
Valerie Frey (Nicolle Duffy’s mom);
Julie & Phil Plotts – health concerns;
Ray & Deb Weikel;
Our military personnel, shut ins, staff &
our missionaries Stephen & Marta Deal.
We thank God for His healing.
For a complete list, please contact the church office at 610-948-3684.

Prayer for Grace’s healthcare workers and first responders

God, our peace and our strength, we pray for our nation and the world as we face new uncertainties around coronavirus. Protect the most vulnerable among us, especially all who are currently sick or in isolation. Grant wisdom, patience, and clarity to health care workers, especially as their work caring for others puts them at great risk. Guide us as we consider how best to respond in our families, congregations, workplaces, and communities. Give us courage to face these days not with fear, but with compassion, concern, and acts of service.

We ask your blessing and protection upon our healthcare workers and first-responders….

Marianne C., Cristen C., Darius C., Sandra G., Lena G., Sarah H., Tammy J., David M., Susan M., Mary M., Adam M., Susan O.,
Jamie O., Jan S., Kristen S., Rhonda S.

To be included or to add someone to this list, please obtain their permission and email their name to the church office at