Check Out Grace Lutheran Royersford Worship/Events Calendar & Our Current Events Below
We are worshipping in person and we would love for you to join us, but if you if you can’t be here in person, our worship services are available online, our services & info. about worship can be found on the “Worship” tab.  Our services can also be found on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.


Mark your calendars and save the date—Feb.  9, 2025,
for our Annual Congregational Meeting!

Important End of Year Financial Info.

Any contributions toward 2024 giving must be received in the office by no later than 12/29.

   If you need an End of Year Statement for taxes, please contact the office at 610-948-3684 or


Christmas Gifts that make a Difference—It’s back!!

 Beginning Sunday, Dec. 1, Grace will be selling ELCA Good Gifts. These gifts offer thoughtful ways to honor friends & loved ones with presents that make a difference around the world. Good Gift ornaments will be hanging on a Christmas tree in the 6th Avenue foyer, for the first Sunday in Advent and will be sold between church services on 12/8 & 15 and before & after the service on 12/22. If you would like to help sell and collect the money from the purchases, please contact Deacon Allison or the church office for details.


Join us for worship this Advent

     Advent has begun and we hope you will join us for this holy, hope-filled season, which is also the advent of new beginnings here at Grace as we welcome Pastor Leah Woehr-Grande as our new pastor.

Sunday, December 1st – 1st Sunday in Advent

Sunday, December 8th – 2nd Sunday in Advent (Pastor Tina’s last day)

Sunday, December 15th – 3rd Sunday in Advent (Pastor Leah’s first Sunday)

Sunday, December 22nd – Christmas Pageant (one service at 9:30)


Christmas Eve Worship—7:00 pm – Contemporary Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion

11:00 pm – Traditional Candlelight Worship with Holy Communion


On December 29th – One service at 9:30 am for Lessons & Carols


Upcoming Fellowship Opportunities & Holiday Events 

Fellowship Card Club—3rd Tues, Dec. 17th, from 1-3pm. Have fun with friends & learn a new card game – Rack-o.


Sun., Dec. 22, in the Social Hall, following the 9:30am Christmas Pageant. 

Volunteers are needed to provide soup, chili & cookies.

Volunteers are needed to supervise a Christmas Light station where participants will create items (fill Luminary bags, make cards & crafts & package cookies for our homebound members). 

Participants can also play cards or a game while enjoying coffee, hot chocolate, cookies & Christmas music while getting to know Pastor Leah & her family! 

Volunteer with Brenda Johnson, 610-585-9824


Luminary Volunteers Needed— Tues., Dec. 24th at 3pm, to set out prepared luminaries & turn on candles. Meet in the Welcome Center.

Check Out These Ways to Support Your Faith Journey 

Faith First –  Third Wednesday of this Month—Join us for breakfast devotions and fellowship at Main Street Café, at 8:30am. We normally meet on the last Wednesday of the month. However, in December since the last Wednesday will be Christmas Day. We’ll meet instead on Dec. 18th. Please join us!


Bible Study Groups—have begun to meet on Monday’s at 7:00 pm via Zoom and Thursday’s at 10:00 am in the Parlor (L05). Between now and the end of the year we will be looking at the first part of the Book of Acts. Now would be a great time to join us if you’ve been thinking about being part of a Bible Study. No experience necessary!  If you’d like to attend the Monday evening Zoom, contact Deacon Allison at and she’ll send you the link.

Sunday Mornings at 9:15am Join One of these Adult Learning Groups.
 – Richard Harshaw’s group meets weekly, between services, in the Choir Room (L04).  They have topical discussions focusing on faith, truth & fellowship and how these have made our lives better.
 –  Judy Stryker leads a study on  “Women of the Bible” –  Abigail, Gomer, Rizpah:  What do you know about these women of the Bible?  Are their stories  relevant to our lives?  Join us at 9:30amon Sundays,  in the Parlor, to understand who these women are and how they relate to us today.
New Adult Sunday School Starting in January – In January, Judy Stryker’s adult Sunday school group will take a break, while Deacon Allison leads a study called: Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World on Fire.  This six-week study will look at the life & work of this important Lutheran theologian, martyr, and hero of faith, and how we can learn from him today. We’ll meet Sunday’s at 9:15am, on: 1/12, 19, 26, 2/2, 16 & 23 (we won’t meet on 2/9 due to the annual meeting).  Following this series, Judy Stryker’s group will resume.


Youth News!!


G.R.A.C.E. Place starts classes on Sunday, October 6th at 9:30am! G.R.A.C.E. Place programming will be the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month for preschool through 6th grade!

Confirmation will have class every Sunday. 


High School Youth We are partnering with some local churches on a combine youth programming.
Next Youth Meeting is December 15th, 5-7pm.  Details to follow.

* Calling all actors!!!!  If you are interested in participating in the Christmas Pageant this year please reach out to Julie Boyer at This year the Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, Dec. 22nd at 9:30 am. 


Caring Crafters meet on Wednesdays, in the All Purpose Room, 10-11:30am    

Our group does simple crafts in service to our church community.  We make & send cards to our homebound, Grace staff or Grace family members.

Color to relax or bring any crafts you may be working on!  We finish each session with prayers for our family, country & members at Grace.

If you have some time, on a Wednesday morning,  join us for crafts, fellowship & friendship.  All ages are welcome. Come when you can. We don’t take attendance!!

Join us for continued socializing with lunch at our local diner afterwards!  Questions?? call Sue Perry or the church office.