Click here for a link to our monthly facilities/events calendar
Your attendance is critical to the success of the day, as we welcome this person into our family of faith. Please plan to attend!
Sunday Mornings at 9:15am Join One of these Adult Learning Groups.
– Richard Harshaw’s group meets weekly, between services, in the Choir Room (L04), starting Sept. 15. We will have topical discussions focusing on faith, truth & fellowship and how these have made our lives better.
– Judy Stryker will lead a study on “Women of the Bible” – Abigail, Gomer, Rizpah: What do you know about these women of the Bible? Are their stories relevant to our lives? Join us at 9:30 on Sundays, starting Sept. 15, in the Parlor, to understand who these women are and how they relate to us today.
Youth News!!
G.R.A.C.E. Place starts classes on Sunday, October 6th at 9:30am! G.R.A.C.E. Place programming will be the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month for preschool through 6th grade!
Confirmation will have class every Sunday.
High School Youth – Details are still being worked out for our high school youth – keep your eyes out for a snail mail letter with all the details and dates!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, Oct. 6th, World Communion Sunday, when we will have 2 worship services at 8:15 & 10:30, with Ministry Madness between at 9:30.
Women’s Retreat—Reminder – The Women’s Retreat scheduled for October 12th has been postponed and will hopefully be rescheduled in the Spring.
Fellowship Fun (3rd Tues of the Month) – Starting Sept 17th at 1pm, in the All Purpose Room, we will play cards & board games. Come strengthen your brain & laugh with friends.
Postponed Indefinitely due to illness! Please be in prayer for Stephen, as he deals with some health issues.
Joins us for a special visit from our ELCA Missionary to Costa Rica, Stephen Deal. Stephen will be joining us on Tues., Aug. 20, at 6:30pm, for a visit and to catch us up on how his work in Costa Rica is going. Grace Lutheran has supported Stephen & his wife Marta for many years and it has been awhile since we have had a visit…you won’t want to miss it!
Lorraine’s Hearing Fund (created to provide financial assistance to members of Grace who have hearing impairment), will take applications for those in need of equipment or devices, education, or technology. Awards up to $2,500 each will be considered for applicants. To apply, email Roxanne Troiano & she will either email or mail you an application (whichever is best for the applicant). All applications are due by October 31, 2024. Applicants are notified in November of eligibility and the amount of the award. Please direct questions to Roxanne Troiano.
Sun., October 20, 2024
One Combined Worship at 9:30am
Stewardship Theme for 2024: “Commitment”
Bible Verse: 1 Kings 8:61 – “And may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.”
Commitment: “The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc..
We make commitments to each other as friends, family & spouses. We also make a commitment to God! To praise him, talk to him, pray to him & have a relationship with him.
Please join us at the combined worship service on Sun., October 20, 2024, at 9:30am, as we make our financial commitments for 2025. We will also have a Brunch afterward to thank the congregation for all of their support and efforts.
You will soon be seeing a letter, as well as Estimate of giving cards for 2025 & reservation slips for the brunch to fill out. Please be sure to help us by filling these cards & slips out and returning to the church.
Caring Crafters meet on Wednesdays in the All Purpose Rm. 10-11:30am
Our group: Does simple crafts in service to our church community. We make & send cards to our homebound, Grace staff or Grace family members.
Color to relax or bring any crafts you may be working on! We finish each session with prayers for our family, country & members at Grace.
If you have some time, on a Wednesday morning, join us for crafts, fellowship & friendship. All ages are welcome. Come when you can. We don’t take attendance!!
Join us for continued socializing with lunch at our local diner afterwards!
Any questions?? call Sue Perry or the church office.
Where are you being called to serve? It takes a lot of people to make worship & ministry happen! There are many ways you can help; you’re here on Sunday mornings anyway. Call or email the church office to see how you can help by being a trustee one month per year or helping with tech, altar guild, counting, reading, singing, Sunday school, children’s chat, communion & more! Instruction provided & most positions are on a rotating schedule once every 4 –8 weeks.
Super Easy Way to Serve God, Grace & Others! Are you looking for some simple way to serve locally? If so, this is the opportunity for you! Four (4) times per year, during the week, Grace Church partners with Project Outreach and helps in their food pantry. We assist them from 9:15-noon; just under 3 hours each time, only 4 days per year. If you can spare a few hours, once, a couple or all 4 times to help serve the local community, please contact Peg Shiley or call the church office at 610-948-3684.