Bible Studies: Bible Study groups are breaking for the summer. We’ll begin again the week of September 9th.
There will be 3 Adult Forums over the summer. We will meet on the 2nd Sunday in June, July & August at from 8:30 to 9:15 am in the Parlor (L05). Here’s the schedule, including topics:
Sunday, August 11th – How do we have discussions with those who think differently from ourselves?
Faith First – Last Wednesday of the Month: Join Deacon Allison this summer on the last Wednesday morning of the month. We’ll meet at 8 am, at The Main Street Café, for breakfast & devotions, beginning on June 26th. All are welcome to join us and be fed in body and spirit! Mark your calendars! These are our meeting dates:
June 26th, July 31st, (note that this is the 5th Wednesday of July) & August 28th
Morning Grace devotions have been suspended for now. We hope to start them up again at a later date.

When: 1st Sunday of the Month (June, July & Aug.), around 10:30 (after worship). Where: In the Welcome Center What: For Refreshments & Conversation Why: Fun to visit with each other
How: Bring yourself & if able, a snack to share. Sign up on the poster in the 6th Ave. entrance.
See you there! ???: Call the church office at 610-948-3684.