Youth Blog
ELCA NOLA Youth Gathering 2024 – July 19
Posted on Jul 19, 2024 in Youth Blog Post |
Our high of the day was trying beignets for the first time. Our low was dinner wasn’t that great for most of us. We saw God during the gathering during all the dancing and music such as the dance to the song Stand Up. We as Christian’s are created to be disruptive because disruption can help to spread the word of God and change unjust beliefs within the church such as Sally Azar who was a speaker at the gathering. She is the first Palestinian woman pastor due to the fact that she disrupted the belief that only men should be pastors and lead the congregations in Palestine and many other countries in the world.
Ava & Riley & Connie
NOLA ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 – July 18
Posted on Jul 18, 2024 in Youth Blog Post |
Today’s theme was created to be free. During accompaniment day we learned about gender equality/justice. Our three church groups talked about issues that our churches face, and ways we can solve those issues. Our high was being able to experience the New Orleans rain. Instead of taking the trolley back to the hotel, we decided to walk. Our low was the result of the rain. Meaning wet clothes, soggy shoes, and being cold in the air conditioned hotel. We saw God in the thunder on our walk back. Us Christians are created to be free. The speakers tonight portrayed what that meant as Christians. We are free to be ourselves and God will love us no matter what. God wants us to be ourselves and loves us as we are.

NOLA ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 – July 17
Posted on Jul 18, 2024 in Youth Blog Post |
Greeting from New Orleans!! Today was the first official start of the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Our day started off with a nice big and nutritious breakfast that was delicious! This hearty breakfast was one of Brad’s best part of the day! We travel back and forth from the convention center using the trolley which gets easier day by day which is another high for Brad. Our assignment for the day was interactive learning day which is where participants can learn more about the ELCA. We walked through setups showing how people struggle to survive with no money and food, prayer booths, game booths, photo booths, etc! After we we had a delicious dinner and made perfect timing as a thunderstorm came rolling through the city. Staying dry was another highlight of Brad’s day. The food was delicious and offered many dietary restriction safe foods which was the main highlight of Lexi’s day! Next we were on route to the second mass gathering of the event! Our group lucked out on the trolley as we had seats but were also on the shuttle. As we passed by each trolley stop the trolley filled up stop by stop. A few groups pushed through to get on the trolley which have Brad a low for the day. We arrived at the Smoothie King Center to begin the second night of the gathering! Carter’s low was that everyone was so exhausted from the taxing day we all had, but it changed after mass gathering as he got his energy back!
The theme for tonight’s mass gathering was authentic. We all believe to be an authentic Christian you have to live a life that is pleasing to God, following His commands, and becoming more like Christ every day. It involves trusting in Him and His plan for our lives, even when we don’t understand or agree with it. It is a journey of growth and transformation that leads to a deep and meaningful relationship with God. Overall we had an amazing day and met new people and ran into some old friends sitting our area back home. We’re all excited for the next couple of days to see what it has in store for us!
NOLA ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 – July 16
Posted on Jul 16, 2024 in Youth Blog Post |
We have completed only 2/3rds of our day and are awaiting mass gathering. So we will update later with more!
Our high (the best part about our day) was swimming and playing card games. We just got to hang out and relax before a really busy week.
What was your high for the day or week?
Our low (the downfall/worst part about the day) was having to get out of pool due to thunder. We were hoping for a pool afternoon.
What was your low for the day?
We saw God today when everyone safely made it to the convention center after trying to figure out the bus system. It was frustrating waiting for a bus that was late and we were frustrated and hot. But we all got to the convention center and got to sit in the air conditioner. We were thankful for getting their safe and being cool.
What was your high for the day or week?
Our low (the downfall/worst part about the day) was having to get out of pool due to thunder. We were hoping for a pool afternoon.
What was your low for the day?
We saw God today when everyone safely made it to the convention center after trying to figure out the bus system. It was frustrating waiting for a bus that was late and we were frustrated and hot. But we all got to the convention center and got to sit in the air conditioner. We were thankful for getting their safe and being cool.
Where have you seen God at work this week?
-Kaitlyn, Ava, Emily
-Kaitlyn, Ava, Emily
Updated after Mass Gathering:
We started off our day by walking to District All Day Delish to grab some donuts. After that we tried to catch a bus to the convention center but we couldn’t find it. Luckily we found a trolley that took us over in that direction and then we walked a few more minutes to get to the convention center. We spent an hour or two in the convention center shopping and playing games. After that we headed back to our hotel for some down time. We tried to swim in the pool with some of the other groups in the hotel but had to get out due to some thunder. Later we headed out for a late lunch and played some Heads Up. After lunch and some more down time, we walked over to the Smoothie King Center for mass gathering. During mass gathering we listened to different music groups and a few different speakers. Once that was finished we headed back to the hotel to do devotions and have some late night pizza.
Our high was going to mass gathering and seeing All 18,000 people show up
Our low was Having to get out of pool due to thunder
I saw god while Dr. Chen, the speaker, was talking about finding truth and healing as well as the quote “they tried to burry us, but they didn’t know we were seeds”- Kaitlyn
I saw God through the music during the mass gathering when everyone was up and singing during the Afters performance, and also during the dance number during the middle of the gathering- Ava
I saw God through the mass gathering in itself. With everyone there, every 18,000 of them, it felt so powerful and moving. I’ve never experienced anything like it before and I’ve never felt as close to God than I did at the mass gathering – Emily
Where did you see god?

NOLA ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 – July 15
Posted on Jul 15, 2024 in Youth Blog Post |
Today was a really fantastic day. While Ava and Kelsey attended another day at MYLE, the Grace-St James crew had an easy day of sightseeing and shopping. Emma and Lexi wanted to explore the shops in the French Quarter and were thrilled by some great discoveries. Lexi tells us about finding a little candy store in a shotgun style home. They stepped in and discovered an award-winning shop full of a variety of pralines and other handmade confections; they were happy they stumbled upon it.
Meanwhile the rest of the crew decided to explore the Garden District of New Orleans. Taking a trolley there gave us a chance to see so many beautiful houses and buildings. Walking through the area also gave us firsthand views and chances to take lots of pictures. Looking for a place to cool off and get lunch, we found a creperie that had amazing crepes filled with fruits, gelato and chocolate, all rolled into a cone-shaped bundle. We also had some fun checking out some vintage clothing shops and a few tourist stores as well.
Throughout the day we encountered many other NYG travelers, so took a chance to hand out some mementos (that we call “swaps”) and discover where people call home. We met people from Texas, Minnesota, Chicago, and even our own back yard: Havertown and Schnecksville!
Our friends from St Luke’s Gilbertsville arrived late in the afternoon and we were really happy to catch up with them. We had made plans to take a steamboat ride in the evening and needed to decide on dinner first. It’s challenging agreeing on a food style or restaurant for 15 people, so we decided to make our way down to the steamboat area along the river and just decide then. A local shop owner advised us to head across the street to a local seafood place. The hostess standing outside warned that they already had reservations for 2 large groups about to arrive, so she wasn’t sure she could seat us. They were able to make room for our group — and then managed to deliver the meals quickly and they were soooo good. Many of us tried creole food for the first time and we loved it. The best part, we still made it to the steamboat on time.
The steamboat ride on the Mississippi River was a highlight for all of us. There was just enough of a breeze from the movement of the boat along the river, that we felt cooler than we were on land. The tour guide gave us a lesson on the history of river boating and trade in New Orleans. There was a live jazz band playing the entire time and the sunset was beautiful.
There were very few lows to our day and we were all especially grateful to the kindness and generosity of the people who live and work in New Orleans and the beauty that surrounds us. Peace – until tomorrow!
~ Lexi, Bella and Janet