Stewardship Sunday
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God provides through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11
“Blessed to be a Blessing Sunday” was on October 15, 2023. We had one combined worship service at 9:30am, with a celebration brunch to follow, in the Social Hall.
This year’s Stewardship view will be on using our gifts and our communication with others. While we know it is the time of year to start to prepare for next year’s budget and expenses, I also want to share that it is important to realize that we all have been given specific talents and gifts to be shared with one another, for God’s glory.
Some have the gift of speaking/communicating with one another with love and compassion. Knowing what to say to someone in need or with encouraging words, to lift someone up. Some have the gift of sharing, whether it’s extra items we may have or something we just want to share and give to someone. Others may share a note, an email or a prayer. Some share their talents through music or crafts. Either way, we have been given faithful hearts from God above who knows we can share these things with loved ones, or even strangers.
If you have not yet returned your estimate of giving card, there is still time to make your donations a part of our budget for good works in 2024. Cards can be found at the 6th Ave. entrance and Narthex or you can contact the church office at 610-948-3684, if you need a card or want to give your pledge over the phone. Thank you.
Stewardship, Tammy Epprecht

We have several ways for you to continue to give to the ministries, salaries & expenses that Grace Lutheran Church still has. Of course, you can always mail your offerings to the church office; we will pick up mail and make deposits as needed. As usual anyone who is participating in Simply Giving will be automatically keeping up with their giving. We understand that some folks may be experiencing a lull in their work and may need to adjust their giving. Please feel free to call the church office and leave a message or send an email, if you need to change something.
We now have two other ways you can continue to support Grace – We have online giving above; you can click on “Online Giving” and it will take you to an area where you can select where you want your money to go, how much, how often and when. You then set up a user profile and give either your bank/checking information or credit card information. Or you can call Vanco (our giving agent) at 1-800-675-7430 and give them our church name and ID #504735733. They will ask you a few questions over the phone and you can give that way.
A Friendly Reminder About Automated Giving.
If you use Simply Giving automatic withdrawals or have your bank do direct payments to Grace Lutheran for your giving, please remember that if your pledge for 2023 changed in any way, you need to let us or your bank know. For Simply Giving, just call or email the church office with your change. As long as your account is the same, we can easily make any other changes for you. If you want the amount changed to match your 2023 pledge or if you want the date or frequency of your giving changed, we can take care of that too. If you use your bank for direct payment, just call or stop by your local branch office and I’m sure they can help you make any changes needed. Even if you didn’t make a pledge, but need to change your automated giving for some reason, we can help. And thanks for your continued giving and generosity to the mission & ministries at Grace Lutheran Church.

Time is precious & giving of your time to serve God is a precious gift. Don’t underestimate the value of the time you give to be a blessing. Here are some ways to share your time:
Serve on council or a church committee.
Volunteer with our social ministry team to organize & run projects that serve our community.
Do errands or shopping for those needing assistance.
Assist in worship with the sound board, ushering, greeting, reading, etc.
Offer office support.
Help with property projects.
Use the gifts God has given you with joy! Being generous with your talents helps God’s kingdom become known. Here are some ways to share your talents:
Cook meals for those in need.
Sing or play music for worship.
Teach faith to children, youth or adults.
Our stewardship of the finances we have been blessed with help us to practice our trust in God’s abundant generosity. Your contributions support the ministries of Grace that change lives locally, nationally & around the world! Here’s how you can support the mission and vision of Grace:
Regular giving through –
On-line giving (see link in the light blue box above),
Offering Envelopes,
“Simply Giving” automated giving,
(Please call the church office for info on how to begin “Simply Giving”, choose your gift & timing.)

Relief to the people of Ukraine can be sent through Lutheran World Relief. See their website at www.ldr.org, or send checks to Lutheran World Relief, PO Box 17061, Baltimore, MD 21297-1061, memo: aid to Ukraine.
Mission Outreach: Grace has a long relationship with the Rev. Stephen Deal, serving in Costa Rica. Rev. Deal has served as ELCA regional representative for Central America since 2003. Working closely with regional Lutheran leaders, he identifies ways for ELCA congregations and members to connect to our companion churches. He also serves as a teaching pastor, developing leadership for effective ministry in contexts of economic poverty, social violence and climate vulnerability.
If you are looking for a way to help people in need, Lutheran Disaster Response (ELCA) brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. Go to their website at: https://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Relief-and-Development/Lutheran-Disaster-Response/. You’ll find many ways that you can help including relief for those affected by fires, floods, earthquakes & hurricanes.