Sun., October 6, 20th Sunday After Pentecost/2 Services-8:15 & 10:30am
Sun., October 13, 21st Sunday After Pentecost/2 Services-8:15&10:30
Sun., October 20, 21st Sunday After Pentecost/ 1 Service at 9:30am/B2BaB Sunday
Sun., October 27th, 22nd Sunday After Pentecost—2 Services Reformation Sun.
If you are unable to worship with us in person, our worship services can also be found on our website under the “Worship” tab & on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.
Worship at Grace
If you’ve been joining us already, either in-person or on-line, keep worshiping! If you found yourself feeling disconnected during this pandemic (or maybe even before), it’s time to come back and reconnect to the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ. All are welcome to come and be filled with God’s love in our worship! We long to gather again together!
Here’s what Sunday mornings look like,
8:15 am: Traditional worship in the sanctuary, centered on Word and Sacrament. Inspiring music, faithful preaching, life-giving Communion. (Communion is currently available by individual cup at the altar or at your seat with a pre-packaged communion kit.)
10:30 am: Non-Traditional worship in the sanctuary, centered on Word and Sacrament, in a less formal format. Spirit-filled music by Spirit of Grace praise band and Children’s sermon. (Communion is currently available by individual cup at the altar or at your seat with a pre-packaged communion kit.) This service will be livestreamed to our Youtube channel at GraceLutheranRoyersford. Subscribe to receive notifications and don’t forget to talk with us in the chat!
Currently, we are a safe space for those who wish to continue to mask & social distance during worship. Our Sanctuary has a special reserved section, for those who would be more comfortable social distancing.
We look forward to gathering in other exciting ways in the future too! Watch for information on food truck Sundays, family-friendly & safe service projects following worship and a church picnic at Victory Park. Join us. Bring a friend (or 5). Give yourself the gift of weekly worship to renew and grow and experience God’s grace.