News & Announcements

Graces Good Garden – Decommissioned
About this time a year ago, we planted the garden for our 11th season. On Monday, May 13th, the garden was decommissioned! All of the raised beds built by the boy scouts in 2013 had severely rotted. The fence was a mess after a huge branch fell on it last year. We would have faced a major rebuild to make the garden look good again. The future of this space is yet to be determined, but for 11 years it served the community by providing more than a couple thousand pounds of fresh produce to Open Door for distribution.
We have had more than 30 congregants who participated in this ministry over the years.
Look at the pictures. In what was a fitting end today, Bill Kilcoyne, the young boy who built the garden as his Eagle Badge project, was on campus to repair an air conditioning unit. Where he helped build the raised beds and gate as a youngster, he carried the last boards to the dumpster as a young man.
With gratitude for your contributions to the success of this ministry.
Kurt Meyers

If you love digging deep into historical facts and want to better understand why racism is so embedded in our current culture, read “When Affirmative Action was White” by Ira Katznelson. Or you could try reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ award-winning book “Between the World and Me.”
Also, you could watch the powerful & thought-provoking true story “Just Mercy” about systemic racism and the battle for justice. You can currently watch this move for FREE on all digital networks.
Another excellent book is White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. Other informative, challenging, and well-done resources include Selma (movie), Dear White People (movie and Netflix series), andThirteenth (Netflix documentary).
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me…. Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” – Matthew 25:40-45.

Mental Health Resources: For you or someone you love…
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) HelpLine can be reached Mon.-Fri., 10am–6pm, ET. 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or
Montgomery County Mobile Crisis Immediate support for crisis
situations available 24/7 at 1-855-634-HOPE (4673).
Mont. County Children’s Crisis Support Program Immediate
support for crisis situations available 24/7 at 1-888-HELP-414.
Mont. County’s teen talk line If you’re a teen feeling overwhelmed & need another teen to talk to, please call at (866) 825-5856 or text (215) 703-8411. It is available, free of charge, Mon.-Fri., 3 to 7pm.
PA Department of Drug & Alcohol Program (DDAP). To find
addiction treatment or a treatment provider, call the 24/7 toll-free
1-800-662-HELP hotline.
Laurel House (domestic violence) 24/7 hotline: 800-642-3150,
Women’s Center of Montgomery County’s (domestic violence)
hotline: 800-773-2424.
Alcoholics Anonymous for help with a drinking problem